State of the Disability Sector Report 2020

Illustration of colleagues analysing report on screen

At the NDS CEO’s virtual meeting in December, the NDS launched their State of the Disability Sector 2020 Report. The report includes findings from the eighth wave of the NDS’s Annual Market Survey. The University of New South Wales analysed the Survey results in partnership with NDS. 410 disability service providers responded to this wave of the Survey. These providers were of varying sizes and incomes. Ninety-five per cent of respondents were NDIS registered providers and delivering services at the time.  

We have pulled out 5 interesting findings from the Survey below. 

1. ‘Looking forward, more than half of organisations (58 per cent) expect to make a profit in 2020-21.’ 

The Survey showed that many providers struggled financially over this difficult year. Despite this, providers generally have a more positive outlook for profits and financial security next year.  

2. Nearly all responding organisations in 2020 (95 per cent) said they are actively working on improving their productivity.’  

Most disability organisations are focused on strategies to be more productive. However, the Survey found smaller organisations are less likely to be focused on growing their business than medium and large organisations.  

3. ‘For most of the providers who had to turn away requests in 2020, this was because they did not have the capacity (69 per cent), they did not provide the requested service (51 per cent), or the client’s plan would not cover the requested services (47 per cent).’ 

The above quote refers to the increase in providers this year who had received requests for services they were unable to provide. The quote highlights the growing demand for many NDIS services, as well as the opportunities for providers to expand if they have the capacity. The Survey found that many providers are focused on increasing existing services rather than adding new ones. 

4. ‘Employee learning and development, data reporting and use, and risk management and compliance were all identified by significantly more respondents as priority areas for the next 12 months. ‘ 

 These are the business capability areas providers are focused on improving in 2021. 

5. ‘Only 29 per cent of respondents said the Commission is working well with providers; 33 per cent indicated this was not the case.’ 

The above quote relates to the disability sector’s relationship with the NDIS Commission. The Survey indicated that providers are still confused about audit and compliance requirements. A key concern for providers is the lack of clarity in navigating the NDIS Commission’s rules and regulations. 

To view the full State of the Disability Sector Report, head to the NDS website.

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