5 Advantages of hiring an autistic person


Expert blog series | 2 minute read

5 Advantages of hiring an autistic person

Author: Nicole Done | Organisation: Xceptional | Contact: info@xceptional.io

2020 was a year of unprecedented change. That word, ‘unprecedented’, please don't cringe……. I know it has been overused, but let’s be honest, it was unprecedented and 2021 looks set to continue on the same path.

The employment sector has had to rapidly shift its approaches to recruitment models, onboarding, and working from home. Internal and external professional communication, management styles, and flexibility has changed.

People have adapted and the autistic community have thrived with remote work and this ‘new’ normal and their employers are reaping the rewards of their high productivity and innovation due to less distractions in a traditional office environment.

Employees are a company’s greatest asset, in fact, they are their competitive advantage. Therefore, it is easy to realise why companies in the technology, banking, government, and law enforcement sectors are seeing their hiring of autistic people as a strategic advantage to help them tap into skill sets highly sought after.

So what are the advantages an autistic individual can bring to an organisation?

1. Faster problem solving and attention to detail

Pragmatic and unique thinking, an immersive approach to knowing and understanding, the ability to see the big picture but also to hone into specific detail, pattern recognition, and analytical thought processes are all common descriptors used to describe autistic skill sets. 

These skills are assets in accounting, design and architecture, editing, web developing, logistics, research, contract administration, and executive support to name a few.

2. Superior memory and sustained concentration

Enhanced visual recall and excellent long term memory plus the ability to hyperfocus for long periods of time without distraction is the reason so many organisations are hiring autistic talent in surveillance, analysts, cyber security and why the Israeli Army has specialist intelligence units who consist entirely of autistic teens.

3. Increased productivity

Who wouldn't want faster and more productive employees? Autistic employees are purpose driven, seek challenges and typically don't get involved in office banter and general time wasting.

4. Creativity

A trait not always associated with the autistic community but it is a mistake to underestimate the out of the box thinking, imagination, creative ideas of these great autistic writers, inventors, artists, musicians, actors and scientists. As autism activist Temple Grandin has said: “The most interesting people you’ll find are ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box.“

5. High integrity

Loyalty and honesty are valued traits in any employee and coupled with a high retention rates, organisations are gaining talent who work hard and stay longer.

Examples of retention rates for autistic hires:

  • SAP - 92%

  • JPMorgan - 95%

  • Microsoft - 92%

  • and EY - 90%.

Chances are if you work in a sector mentioned above, you are already working with autistc individuals and benefiting from an outstanding solution focused employee.

If you’re not, ask yourself these questions:

  • Why not?

  • What am I missing out on?

  • Could this be my competitive advantage?

Make 2021 the year you take the plunge and increase diversity in your team with an autistic hire. For more information on how Xceptional can help with this journey, contact us at info@xceptional.io.


Nicole Done - Head of Training and Coaching at Xceptional

Nicole Done is the Head of Training and Coaching at Xceptional, an award-winning tech platform that harnesses the strengths of autistic people, securing them meaningful careers in business and technology roles that call for different solutions.

She is an autism advocate, championing change in neurodiverse employment with over 20 years experience as a Special Educator, Trainer and Coach working across the business, tech, education and health sectors to help individuals access the supports needed to professionally thrive.

You can contact Nicole via email or by visiting the Xceptional website.


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