Removing the burden of compliance - Centro ASSIST - Australia

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Transitioning to the NDIS

Registration to the NDIS has been available since June 2016 to most service providers, who at that time were regulated by their state or territory.

The National Quality and Safeguarding Framework (QSF) was launched in July 2018 to supersede this localised approach in which the NDIA was registrar for applications.

Administered by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, it will bring a consistent set of practice standards and quality assurance regulation to all parts of Australia. The Commission will replace the NDIA as registrar.

States and territories will transition away from local regulation of disability services provision, over to the National Quality and Safeguarding Framework (QSF) on a phased basis:

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Registration and compliance will then be administered by the NDIA Quality & Safeguards Commission, rather than the NDIA.

Providers of services to locations under the jurisdiction of the Commission will use the QSF application process to register (see ‘7 Simple Steps to Registration under the QSF’ in our Centro FREE product).

In places where the QSF has not yet been rolled out, providers will continue to apply for NDIS registration according to the requirements of the states and territories they are servicing.

Once the QSF has been introduced, local regulations will no longer be in effect.

Service providers who are registered with the NDIS prior to the introduction of the QSF in their locality will not need to re-apply. Their registration will be automatically transferred over to the Commission once the QSF comes into force.

However, they will need to comply with QSF practice standards. Compliance with the QSF will also entail regular audits on an annual or three-yearly basis, depending on the provider’s service-offering.

Until the QSF is fully rolled out, providers offering services in multiple states will need to meet the registration and compliance requirements of each jurisdiction.

This means for services being provided in the states and territories under the Commission, they will need to comply with the QSF. If they also work in places where the QSF has yet to roll out, then local regulations will apply to those services.

For guidance on registering and complying with the National Quality and Safeguarding Framework, join Centro FREE or subscribe to Centro ESSENTIALS.

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